Thursday, August 14, 2008

Malie Graduated Doggie School

Yeah!!!! Last Sunday Malice graduated from her dog class. She has done so well over the past 8 weeks and has made a lot of progress. Here is our family picture that they took of us and her special certificate of graduation!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

An Answer to My Prayers

Today I went to a new Headache/Migraine center to get a new opinion on what I could do for my headaches. Well for the past 7 years my current doctor just kept giving me new perscriptions to try and I am so tired of my body being run by drugs. But today God answered my prayers.....This new doctor gave me hope that he can get rid of these things, he even believes he knows exactly what my disease is that causes my headaces. I have never been so excited to go to a doctor in my entire life and Im so happy to see what lies in my future for my health!! God does answer prayers, it just may take longer than some people want but he does listen.