Sunday, July 13, 2008

New to the Iller Family

Kale Iller
Last sunday Matt and I went to Janesville, Wisconsin to visit my close friend Tayrn and her new baby boy "Kale". It had been quite a while since we had been able to get together but it was great catching up and getting to hold her new bundle of joy!! Kale was 8 pounds and 23 inches long! Plus he had mommy waiting a long time after her due date. She thought the wait was worth it though(haha)
*oh and a little side note for my mother and Wanie, just because there is a lot of babies going on in my life, that doesnt mean I have to have one! Im waiting!!


Grandma Wanda said...

Meggy, Meggy, you know me so well. I am glad that you are waiting:) Absolutely LOVE your haircut!!

Kelly said...

I love your hair! I want mine to look like that. I decided I'm growing mine out for now...until Lucy starts pulling it! Also love your little Wanie disclaimer :)

Anonymous said...

Cute cute cute! Very stylish Meg!